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Selasa, 11 April 2017

English Workbook First Grade

English Time

1st Grade

Description: Hasil gambar untuk english is fun


Name          : ……………………….
Number     : ……………………….

Kata pengantar

Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah segala puji bagi Allah  SWT atas segala nikmat dan kruniaNya sehingga saya bisa menyelesaikan buku lembar kerja siswa ini dengan tepat waktu untuk dipergunakan pada semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2016/2017
Buku ini menekankan 4 skills dalam  mempelajari bahasa yaitu listening, speaking, writing and reading. Dilengkapi dengan tugas-tugas yang menuntut siswa untuk melaksanakan keempat skills tersebut.
Harapan saya semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi guru dan murid. Membuat murid-murid senang mempelajari bahasa inggris sehingga memudahkan mereka dalam  mempelajarinya di tingkat yang lebih tinggi.
Banyak  kekurangan dalam penulisan buku ini sehingga kritik dan saran  sangat saya harapkan untuk buku  edisi selanjutnya.


Daftar  isi

2nd Semester
Unit 1                          Color
Unit 4                          School

Mid T erm Exercise
Final Term Exercise


COLOR = warna

Horizontal Scroll: Vocabulary 

1.    Merah                  : Red
2.    Hijau                             : Green
3.    Biru                      : Blue
4.    Kuning                : Yellow
5.    Putih                    : White
6.    Hitam                  : Black
7.    Coklat                 : Brown
8.    Ungu                             : Purple
9.    Oranye                : Orange
10.        Abu – abu       : Gray
11.        Merah muda    : Pink

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Color!


        Red                    Green                         Blue                   Yellow

        White                Black                            Brown                    Purple        

        Orange                     Gray                        Pink                               
Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Sing! 

Blue blue the sky is blue
Come let see the color blue
Green green the trees are green
Come let see the color green
Purple yellow and orange
So many colors to see
Learning all the color is fun for you and me.
Red red the car is red
Come let see the color red
Come let see the color blue
Come let see the color green

Horizontal Scroll: Vocabulary 

Banana                Apple                  Avocado                       Sapodila   

Durian                      Orange                     Grape               Rambutan    


Papaya                          Flag                      Uniform              Cloud         Hasil gambar untuk notebook
Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\kelinci-new-zealand1.jpg

Rabbit                         Tree                       Table                        Book

Bag                          Sharpener                   Eraser                Pencil case     
Horizontal Scroll: Task 1 ! 

Rounded Rectangle: Avocado is...............
Rounded Rectangle: Apple is ................
Rounded Rectangle: Banana is ...............

Rounded Rectangle: Uniform is ............ and .................
Rounded Rectangle: Grapes are ......................

Rounded Rectangle: Orange is ..............
Rounded Rectangle: Sapodila is ..................

Rounded Rectangle: Cloud  is ..............
Rounded Rectangle: Tree  is ..................

Horizontal Scroll: Task 2Match !

1.    Biru                                            a. Green
2.    Ungu                                          b. Red
3.    Hijau                                          c. Blue
4.    Merah                                         d. Purple
5.    Coklat                                        e. Black
6.    Abu-abu                                     f. Brown
7.    Hitam                                         g. Yellow
8.    Kuning                                       h. Orange
9.    Putih                                          i. Gray
10.        Oranye                                    j. White

Horizontal Scroll: GrammarSubject  
I          =      Saya
You       =      Kamu                                               
We       =      Kita                                         
They     =      Mereka
He        =      Dia   ( Laki-laki )
She      =      Dia   ( Perempuan )                   
It         =      DIa  ( benda ) / ini / itu        

Horizontal Scroll: Task 2Complete the missing letter !























Horizontal Scroll: Let’s speak !                                         

Ask your friends using
(Bertanyalah kepada temanmu menggunakan)
“Do you like the color red?”
“Yes, I do   ( )      / No, I don’t   (x)












Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Write !                                         

Write your data here !            (Tulislah datamu disini)

Hilmi likes the color red and blue.
He doesn’t like the color green, yellow, and pink.

1.      ………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.      ………………………………………………………………………………………
3.      ………………………………………………………………………………………
4.      ………………………………………………………………………………………
5.      ………………………………………………………………………………………

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Read ! 

Hello, my name is Muhammad Faza Hilmi
I am seven years old
I live in Mejobo Kudus
I study in SD 1 Kesambi
My favorite color is blue

Write Yes / No      
1.    Hilmi is six years old                                         ..................
2.    He studies in SD 1 Kesambi                    ..................
3.    He lives in Mejobo Kudus                                ..................
4.    His favorite color is pink                                  ..................

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Write ! 

Hello, my name is  ...................................................
I am ............................. years old
I live in ......................................................................
I study in ...................................................................
My favorite color is ............................

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s sing !

Rounded Rectangle: Hey, Mike. What’s your favorite color?
Hey, Mike. What’s your favorite color?
My favorite color
My favorite color
My favorite color is white
That’s great

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s speak!                                          Ask your friends’ favorite color!

What’s your favorite color ?  My favorite color is Blue
Favorite Color






Horizontal Scroll: Let’s write!                                          Write down your data here!
                   Tulis datamu disini!

Hilmi’s favorite color is blue

1       ………………………………………………………………………
2       …………………………………………………………………….
3       ………………………………………………………………………
4       ………………………………………………………………………
5       ………………………………………………………………………

Horizontal Scroll: NOTE

Rounded Rectangle: This is not	=	Ini bukan
That is not	=	Itu bukan
It is not	=	ini / itu bukan

Rounded Rectangle: This is	=	Ini adalah
That is	=	Itu adalah
It is		=	ini  /itu  adalah

Rounded Rectangle: Is this . . . ? 	=	Apakah ini .........?
Is that . . .?	=	Apakah  itu..........? 
Is it . . . ?	=	Apakah ini / itu .....?
Rounded Rectangle: Yes, this is	/	No, this isn’t
Yes, that is	/	No, that isn’t
Yes, it is	/	No, it isn’t

Horizontal Scroll: Task 3                                          Fill the blank !

  1.                                     This is Durian
The color of durian is . . . .

  1.                                      This is grape
The color of grape is . . . .

  1.                                     This is guava
The color of guava is . . . .

  1.                                     This is rambutan
The color of rambutan is . . . .
  1.                                     This is an orange
The color of the orange is . . . .

  1.                                     This is an eraser
The color is . . . .
  1.                                     This is a Uniform
The color is . . . .

Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\kelinci-new-zealand1.jpg
  1.                                     This is a rabbit
The color is . . . .

  1.                                     This is a tree
The color is . . . .

  1.                                     This is a table
The color is . . . .

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Write !
                                    Arrange the jumbled words !

Example : banana – The – yellow – is                       The banana is yellow

1.      mango – The – is – orange                                     ……………………………………..
2.      The – green – is – melon                                        ……………………………………..
3.      blue – The – sky – is                                              ……………………………………..
4.      is – strawberry – The – red                                    ……………………………………..
5.      white – is – rabbit – The                                        ……………………………………..
6.      sheepThe – is – white                                        ……………………………………..
7.      The – green – is – tree                                           ……………………………………..
8.      blue – Thetable – is                                            ……………………………………..
9.      is – eraserThe – red                                            ……………………………………..
10.  black – is – penThe                                            ……………………………………..

Horizontal Scroll: GrammarSubject  
I          =      Saya
You       =      Kamu                                                Like (Suka)
We       =      Kita                                          don’t like (tidak suka)
They     =      Mereka
He        =      Dia   ( Laki-laki )
She      =      Dia   ( Perempuan )                    Likes (Suka)
It         =      DIa  ( benda ) / ini / itu          doesn’t like (tidak suka)
Horizontal Scroll: Task 4 

                   Translate into Indonesian !

Example     : I like the color red        =       Saya suka warna merah
1.     You like the color blue                 =………………………………………
2.     We don’t like the color black       =………………………………………
3.     Arsy likes the color purple           =………………………………………
4.     Hilmi doesn’t like the color gray  =………………………………………
5.     They like the color brown            =………………………………………       

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Read !                                   Read the data then write True (T) or False (F)




  1. Hilmi likes the color orange                                        …………
  2. Arsy doesn’t like the color brown                              …………
  3. Hilmi and Arsy like the color purple                           …………
  4. Hilmi doesn’t like the color orange and brown          ………...
  5. Arsy likes the color purple and orange                       ………...

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s sing ! 

Blue blue the sky is blue
Come let see the color blue
Green green the trees are green
Come let see the color green
Purple yellow and orange
So many colors to see
Learning all the color is fun for you and me.
Red red the car is red
Come let see the color red
Come let see the color blue
Come let see the color green

Horizontal Scroll: Assessment                             
I.      Choose the correct answer !

  1.                         The color of banana is . . . .
a.       blue
b.      red
c.       yellow
  1. Which fruit is red?
a.                                 b.                                             c.

  1. Complete the missing letter !
. . .
. . .

a.       U – O                   
b.      U – L
c.       E - L
  1. Alya    : What’s your favorite color?
Viki     : . . . favorite color is blue.  
a.       I
b.      My
c.       Your
  1. Papaya is . . . .
a.       orange
b.      black
c.       yellow
  1.                                     The color of Indonesian flag are . . . . and . ..
a.       red and black
b.      red and yellow
c.       red and white
  1. “Hijau” in English is . . .
a.       gray
b.      green
c.       blue
  1. The color of Melon is . . .  .
a.       brown
b.      blue
c.       green

  1. “Purple” in Indonesian is . . . .
a.       abu-abu         
b.      ungu        
c.       hijau
  1.                                     Our school uniform is . . .
a.       black and white
b.      white and black
c.       white and red

Mention 11 colors that you have learn!

Colour the balloons bellow !
Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\color.pngWarnai balon-balon di bawah ini !

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dengan menyilang a, b, c, atau d

1.      A : What is the colour of that sheep?
      B : it is …              a. white           c. red
                                    b. green           d. pink
     Description: C:\Users\acer\Downloads\ships.jpg

2.      I have a new bag. My bag is pink
Pink in Indonesian is …

a.       Kuning                       c. hijau muda
b.      Merah muda               d. merah tua

3.      Rounded Rectangle: kuningA : What is the colour of  that clock?
B : it is …
a.       Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\jam-meja-kepala-animal-kuning.jpgyellow
b.      Blue
c.       Green
d.      White

4.   The colour of  the tree is  green.
     Green in Indonesian is …

a. Kuning                           c. hijau
b. Merah muda                  d. merah

5.My father has a new motorcycle.
Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\black biker.jpgThe motorcycle is …        
a.          Blue                
b.      Green
c.       grey
d.      black   

II. Translate it into English
     Artikan ke dalam bahasa Inggris

1.   Apel Merah                         =>        Red apple
2.   Pensil biru                          =>        ……………………………………..
3.   Pohon hijau                         =>        ……………………………………..
4.   Tas kuning                         =>        ……………………………………..
5.   Kelini putih                         =>       ……………………………………..
6.   Penghapus ungu                 =>       ……………………………………..
7.   Pen   hitam                           =>       ……………………………………..
8.   Meja    abu-abu                   =>       ……………………………………..
9.   Jambu merah muda             =>       ……………………………………..
10.              Tas coklat                    =>       ……………………………………..

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dengan menyilang a, b, c, atau d

1.       The colour of that elephant is …              
a. black                   c. grey
     b. yellow                d. blue

2.   Look at that camel. The colorl is …
a. Yellow                c. green                                                      
a.    Purple                 d. brown

3. There are green…
a.       Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\greenapples.jpgwatermelon
b.      Flower
c.       Apples
d.      Grapes
4.My uniform is white and red.
   Red and white in Indonesian is …
a.    Merah dan putih             c. Merah dan abu-abu
b.   Merah dan hijau             d. Merah dan unggu
5. That is a frog, and the colour is …
a.    blue                    c. red
b.   gray                    d. green

II. Fill in the blank with the correct answers!
     Isilah dengan jawaban yang benar !

1.   Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\flag.png The colour of Indonesian Flag is red and …

2. I have a pet. It is a cat. The colour is black.
     Black in Indonesian means …
3.                                  The color of pigeon  is …

4.                                  The durian is …

5. Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\kelinci-new-zealand1.jpg              this rabbit is  … …

Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\sun.png
Color it !
Warnailah  !

1.   That is  a yellow sun           =>

Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\klinci.png

2.   That is  a brown rabbit               =>

Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\APEL.png

3.    That is  a green apple                =>

Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\FISH.png

4.    That is  orange gold fish            =>

Description: C:\Users\acer\Documents\GAMBAR UNTK RPP\BALON.png

5.    That is  purple balloons             =>

Color the picture
Warnailah gambar berikut.

Description: C:\Users\acer\Downloads\mewarnai-gambar-pemandangan-alam-300x210.jpg


Horizontal Scroll: Let’s color !

Rounded Rectangle: orange

Rounded Rectangle: yellow

Rounded Rectangle: blue
Rounded Rectangle: red

Rounded Rectangle: green

Rounded Rectangle: blue

Rounded Rectangle: red
Rounded Rectangle: blue

Rounded Rectangle: blue

Rounded Rectangle: green

Rounded Rectangle: green

Rounded Rectangle: blue

Rounded Rectangle: green
Hasil gambar untuk mewarnai


Rounded Rectangle: green

Rounded Rectangle: green

Rounded Rectangle: brown


A.  Things at School
Hasil gambar untuk chalk

  Table                     desk                    chair             blackboard            chalk

Hasil gambar untuk calendar
Hasil gambar untuk peta indonesia


      Fan                Picture             Calendar             Map                    Cupboard
Hasil gambar untuk bookcase
Hasil gambar untuk notebookHasil gambar untuk buku

Bookcase                  vase              book              notebook                bag
Hasil gambar untuk penggaris
Hasil gambar untuk pen

Pen            Pencil         Pencilcase                  Sharpener               ruler                      eraser

broom        duster         dustpan            dustbin               doormat                clock

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s learn!

Rounded Rectangle: A /An	 = Sebuah / Seekor

A   = diikuti kata yang huruf depannya bunyinya konsonan
	Example	: A book, A pen

An = diikuti kata yang huruf depannya bunyinya  vokal (a,i,u,e,o)
	Example	: An eraser, An umbrella

Task 1
Circle the correct answer ! Lingkari jawaban yang tepat !

1.     A  /  An       pen            
2.     A  /  An       pencil
3.     A  /  An       eraser
4.     A  /  An       ruler
5.     A  /  An       pen
6.     A  /  An       umbrella
7.     A  /  An       eyes
8.     A  /  An       duster
9.     A  /  An       sharpener
10.                         A  /  An      bag

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Write! 

Make a sentence using “ a / an “
  1.                                                 Sebuah meja                =          A table

  1.                                                 ............................................    =          .................................

  1.                                                 .............................................   =          .................................

  1.                                                 .............................................   =          .................................

  1.                                                 .............................................   =          .................................

  1.                                                 .............................................   =          .................................

  1.                                                 .............................................   =          .................................

Hasil gambar untuk pen

  1.                                                 .............................................   =          .................................


  1.                                                 .............................................   =          .................................              

Hasil gambar untuk notebook
  1.                                                 .............................................   =          .................................

Horizontal Scroll: NOTE

Rounded Rectangle: This is not	=	Ini bukan
That is not	=	Itu bukan
It is not	=	ini / itu bukan

Rounded Rectangle: This is	=	Ini adalah
That is	=	Itu adalah
It is		=	ini  /itu  adalah


Rounded Rectangle: Is this . . . ? 	=	Apakah ini .........?
Is that . . .?	=	Apakah  itu..........? 
Is it . . . ?	=	Apakah ini / itu .....?
Rounded Rectangle: Yes, this is	/	No, this isn’t
Yes, that is	/	No, that isn’t
Yes, it is	/	No, it isn’t

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s write!

Rounded Rectangle: This is  	= ini adalah  
That is	= itu adalah


  1.                                                             This is a pencil :          Ini adalah sebuah pencil

  1.                                                             That is a pencil            :           Itu adalah sebuah pencil


  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1. Hasil gambar untuk notebook                                                .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s write!

Arrange these jumbled words!

1.      book – a – is – that                 =          That is a book
2.      ruler – this – a – is                  =          ..........................................................................................
3.      a – blackboard – this – is       =          ..........................................................................................
4.      sharpener – is – a – that         =          ..........................................................................................
5.      broom – this – a – is               =          ..........................................................................................
6.      map – a – is – that                  =          ..........................................................................................
7.      dustbin – this – a – is                         =          ..........................................................................................
8.      a – bag – this – is       =          ..........................................................................................
9.      eraser– is – an – that =          ..........................................................................................
10.  dustpan – this – a – is =         ..........................................................................................

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s write!
Rounded Rectangle: This is not	=	Ini bukan
That is not	=	Itu bukan
It is not	=	ini / itu bukan


  1.                                                             This is a pencil :          Ini adalah sebuah pencil

  1.                                                             That is not a pen          :           Itu bukan sebuah pen


  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

Hasil gambar untuk notebook
  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................


  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................


  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................


Arrange these jumbled words!

1.      book –  not – a  – is – that                 =          That is not a book
2.      ruler – not – this – a – is                     =..........................................................................................
3.      a – not – blackboard – this – is          =..........................................................................................
4.      sharpener – is – not – a – that            =..........................................................................................
5.      broom – this – a – not – is                  =..........................................................................................
6.      map – a – not – is – that                     =..........................................................................................
7.      dustbin – this – not – a – is                =..........................................................................................
8.      a – bag – this –  not – is         =          ..........................................................................................
9.      eraser– is – not – an – that     =          ..........................................................................................
10.  dustpan – this – not – a – is =            ..........................................................................................

Rounded Rectangle: Is this . . . ? 	=	Apakah ini .........?
Is that . . .?	=	Apakah  itu..........? 
Is it . . . ?	=	Apakah ini / itu .....?


  1.                                                             Is  this a pencil ?         :          Apakah ini  sebuah pencil?

  1.                                                             Is that  a pencil ?         :           Apakah itu  sebuah pencil


  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1. Hasil gambar untuk notebook                                                .....................................           :           .......................................


  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................

  1.                                                 .....................................           :           .......................................


Arrange these jumbled words!

1.      book – a – is – that - ?            =          Is that  a book ?
2.      ruler – this – a – is - ?             =          ..........................................................................................
3.      a – blackboard – this – is- ?    =         ..........................................................................................
4.      sharpener – is – a – that - ?     =         ..........................................................................................
5.      broom – this – a – is   - ?        =          ..........................................................................................
6.      map – a – is – that - ?             =          ..........................................................................................
7.      dustbin – this – a – is- ?                     =          ..........................................................................................
8.      a – bag – this – is - ?              =          ..........................................................................................
9.      eraser– is – an – that- ?          =          ..........................................................................................
10.  dustpan – this – a – is- ?         =         ..........................................................................................

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s write!

Rounded Rectangle: Is this . . . ? 	=	Apakah ini .........?
Is that . . .?	=	Apakah  itu..........? 
Is it . . . ?	=	Apakah ini / itu .....?
Rounded Rectangle: Yes, this is	/	No, this isn’t
Yes, that is	/	No, that isn’t
Yes, it is	/	No, it isn’t


1.                                   Is this a blackboard? No, this isn’t

2.                                   Is that a clock? .......................................

3.                                   Is this a broom? .......................................

4.                                   Is that a book? .......................................

5.                                   Is this a doormat? .......................................

6.                                   Is this a chair? .......................................

Hasil gambar untuk notebook
7.                                   Is that an eraser? .......................................

Hasil gambar untuk pen
8.                                   Is this a pen? .......................................

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s speak! 

Do you have a pen ?         Yes, I do     ( √  )
                                  No, I don’t ( x  )



Hasil gambar untuk pen
Hasil gambar untuk notebook



Horizontal Scroll: Let’s Write! 

  1. Arsy has sharpener and pencil. He doesn’t have pencil and notebook
  2. ...................................................................................................................
  3. ...................................................................................................................
  4. ...................................................................................................................

Horizontal Scroll: Let’s sing! 

Look at the desk
Look at the desk
The desk is a mess

Is it your pen?
Is it your book?
Is it your pencilcase?
Yes or No
Tell me Joe

It isn’t my pen       
It isn’t my book
It isn’t my pencilcase
Oh no no
No no no
Horizontal Scroll: Let’s read ! 

Hello, my name is Arsy Azkia
I have a pencilcase
The color is  red
There are many things in my pencilcase.
There are five pencils, three pens, two rulers, two erasers, and one sharpener

Put “Yes” or “No”

  1. Her name is Arsy Azkia                                  ........................
  2. She has a bag                                                  ........................
  3. She has a pencilcase                                        ........................
  4. She has five sharpeners                                   ........................
  5. She has two erasers                                         .......................
Horizontal Scroll: Let’s read ! 

Hello, my name is Faza Hilmi
I have a bag
The color is  blue
There are many things in my bag
There are two pencils, four pens, a rulers, two erasers, and  a sharpener

Put “Yes” or “No”

  1. His name is Faza Hilmi                                   ........................
  2. He has a bag                                                    ........................
  3. He has a pencilcase                                         ........................
  4. He has a sharpener                                          ........................
  5. He has two erasers                                          .......................